Annual General Meeting
All positions are declared vacant and nominations to be received by midnight Friday 7th July 2024 by hardcopy to Matt Stones or emailed to penguinlifesaving@bigpond.com.au
The nomination process, form and positions are attached below. There are many roles big and small, if wondering how you can get involved please don't hesitate to email or contact a current committee member.

Skills Maintenance
Friday evening 6pm to 7:30pm order and have a meal afterwards
Sunday afternoon 15th Oct 3pm to 4:30pm
Please make and effort to attend one of these sessions. To make the session go quicker for everyone, please renew your membership and complete online component before arriving.
If you have any queries or trouble accessing the online please let Allison know 0438 375 355

Skills Maintenance
Friday evening 6pm to 7:30pm order and have a meal afterwards
Sunday afternoon 15th Oct 3pm to 4:30pm
Please make and effort to attend one of these sessions. To make the session go quicker for everyone, please renew your membership and complete online component before arriving.
If you have any queries or trouble accessing the online please let Allison know 0438 375 355

Community Event - Matilda's Qtr Final
⚽️ Come join us as the Matilda’s continue their World Cup journey this Saturday at 4:30pm
⚽️ All welcome, free family friendly event. Game on the big screen TV and kick off 5pm
⚽️ Bring a plate of food to share, licensed bar will be open for drink purchases
⚽️ Wear your green and gold or whatever colour represents your nation. Watch Australia play in the Quarter Finals, as Australia hosts the Cup and brings together countries across the world.

Nippers Season Launch
Penguin Surf Life Saving Nippers season launches Friday 21st October 2022 at 5.30pm