Host of State Champs 2022- Day 1

“Make the most of this guys, the state surf carnival will only be on your home ground once in your lifetime”. Motivating words from one of the Nipper coaches. This was a BIG deal for Penguin. With half the club wiped out by COVID two weeks before the carnival it was not the build up they had planned but in true Penguin spirit, everyone rose to the challenge. Volunteers came from all corners of the club to help: canteen; first aid; parking; water safety; age manager; officiate; bar; handing out water; setting up and packing up. It was a true team effort.

But behind the scenes of the weekend ‘performance’ was hours of preparation, of which it is impossible to document an exhaustive list. To name but a few- change rooms painted, first aid stock checked, volunteers called for and rostered, bar stocked, club house tidied…And all this alongside the usual training.

So, by the time we came to Day 1 (factoring in several club members being side walled with COVID) everyone was already somewhat fatigued. It was just as well then that Jarrod McKenna gave a rising version of the Australian National Anthem to revive the Penguin Spirit and ignite the excitement.

The nippers were off and they stepped up to every event with 100%. There were a myriad of individual achievements, but it was the way they worked as a team that made the Penguin Nippers stand out. And this was noted by an official from another club who commented on how well the kids seemed to get on and to be helping each other out. That was a big pat on the back.

There was also plenty of time for fun alongside the competing. Kartwheels were twirled, holes were dug in the sand, ice cream was eaten and well deserved beers were consumed by the parents when all was done.

Early nights for all, another rise and shine with the sun the next day…

Words by Kathryn Smith, video by Robin Smith


Interview with past president, Ken Knight


Burnie Surf Carnival